Why We Need Girls’ Studies: Elizabeth Dillenberg

Welcome to Girl Museum’s interview series, Why We Need Girls’ Studies, for 2024. We have many exciting interviews this year with important scholars in the field to get insights about what we are all doing in this space to further our understanding of...

The Strength and Power of Iranian Girls and Women

On September 13th, 2022, twenty-two-year-old Mahsa Amini was arrested in Tehran by the Guidance Patrol, Iran’s morality police, for supposedly violating the country’s strict laws requiring women to cover their hair. Hours after being detained, Mahsa Amini...

Junior Girls Rant: Using our Voices

As we come to the end of 2020, a year that’s been full of unexpected challenges, one bright spot amid all the hardships is the election of Kamala Harris—the first woman, African American, and Asian American—as Vice President of the United States....

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