Anne Bront√´’s Helen Huntingdon

The main female¬†protagonist of Anne Bronte’s most successful novel, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, is Helen Huntingdon. Helen’s life story, including¬†her provincial upbringing, the birth of her son and her escape from an abusive and...

The Happy Newspaper and the happy girl

Emily Coxhead has amassed quite the CV: Graphic Design graduate, illustrator, photographer, Head Letter Writer for One Million Lovely Letters, designer and all-around creative ball of ‚Äúa fluffy haired, smiley kinda’...

Feminism axed from UK Politics A-level Syllabus

In a controversial move by one of the few female led departments in the UK government, Education Secretary and Minister for Women Nicky Morgan has axed both feminism and gender equality from the draft of the new Politics A-level syllabus. The draft, which is in public...

Novelists Ahead of Their Time: Celebrating the Bronte Sisters

The three Bronte sisters, Charlotte, Emily and Anne captivated, shocked and inspired literary audiences of their time through their controversial novels Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights and The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. Originally published under the male pseudonyms;...

In a Barbie World… Anything is Possible

Mattel’s new Barbie doll advert that landed on UK TV screens recently has already whipped up an intense media storm. Supporters of the advert have praised Mattel (Barbie’s creators) for tackling issues of workplace gender...

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