Center Stage is a film, released in 2000, that follows the lives of a group of dancers in their first year at the American Ballet Academy in New York City. As well as the fact it features one of the most iconic finale dance numbers ever (in my opinion), there are...
If I were to ask you to think of a painting of a ballerina, I could almost bet money on the fact you would picture ‘Ballet at the Paris Opera’, ‘Dancer with a Bouquet of Flowers’, or many of the other works by Degas. Degas’ paintings are...
Image from On a spare afternoon recently, I was answering a set of questions about myself in a book I had been given for my birthday. One that sparked an idea for me was the question ‘What item would you save...
In this three part series, Junior Girl and ballet dancer Georgia Licence examines the aesthetics of race and body in the ballet industry. In this third post, she looks toward the future of ballet, including specific ballet companies that are promoting new standards....
In this three part series, Junior Girl and ballet dancer Georgia Licence examines the aesthetics of race and body in the ballet industry. In this second post, she looks at ballet bodies and the unrelenting strive for perfection, and how ballerinas experience the...