Mythological Girls: Ostara

Ostara, also known as Ēostre, is a Germanic dawn goddess who is widely believed to be the namesake of the Easter festival. She is solely attested as Ēostre in The Reckoning of Time by Bede in the 8th century CE, where it is stated that the...

Musical Gals: Clara Schumann (Part 1)

Music Period: Romantic era (1830 – 1900) Location: Leipzig, Germany Claim to Fame: One of the foremost pianists and greatest performers of the nineteenth century. Clara Schumann was part of what has been described as the ‚Äúgreatest musical...

Musical Gals: Hildegard von Bingen

Music Period: Early Music (500 – 1400) Location: Bermersheim, Germany Claim to Fame: using repeated motifs within her music and giving religious music a freer, almost improvisatory, feel. As Maria von Trapp sings in The Sound of Music,...

Political Powerhouses: Angela Merkel

As the Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel is not only one of the most powerful people in Europe, but the entire world. Later on this year she faces into an election campaign in the most turbulent times in modern history. In the next few months the EU will have to...

31 December 2016 Commentary

Judgement is an easy occupation for a rainy Sunday afternoon. Deaths related to female health problems? Avoidable, of course! Not necessary, not in this world. And here in the west? No, no problems with female health, eh? The news that reach us from Africa and Asia,...

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