Memories of Girlhood: Moving to Scotland

When I was six years old I boarded a flight destined for Edinburgh, Scotland. My family (all of whom are American) and I were moving there from New Jersey, where I was born. I went to school in the capital city, Edinburgh, but my family lived in a beautiful big old...

Memories of Girlhood: Knit One, Girl One

My mother is and always was a fantastic knitter. My sister and I gallivanted around in colourful home-knitted cardigans from our infancy. The most exciting part of any of her projects was always when we went to the haberdashery to choose the buttons for our new...

Which Spice Girl are you? Identity in the playground

In the late 90s, manufactured pop bands were at their height, and as every generation before us, we wanted to be able to complete the full dance routine, sing every word, and perform at breaks in the school playground. There was one band that transcended beyond just...

Memories of Girlhood: Childhood‚ the First Draft of “Me”

Shy, reserved, quiet, timid… all words that describe my childhood self perfectly. I went to a mixed primary school so I was surrounded by boys and girls, but I was never that much of a socialite. I had my little group of friends, friends I still have...

A Girl in Ice Age Alaska

Life during the last Ice Age was hard. Can you imagine being a child growing up 12,000 years ago in frigid Alaska? The world was very different way back then, so I wondered what girls’ lives were like. Being born into the freezing Ice Ace climate was no easy...

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