Memories of Girlhood: Dance Class

As a little girl, I dreamed of being a ballerina. I loved the fluffy pink tutus, sparkles, and the idea of gracefully leaping through the air. Even my favorite books were about ballet: Best Friends Wear Pink Tutus and All Tutus Should be Pink. Lucky for me, I got an...

Memories of Girlhood: The Hunt for Pirate Treasure

My days used to be spent on the York River, basking in the sun and swimming in the salty water. Virginia summers were free and glorious, full of potential. One morning, I found a book in my father’s library called Pirates on the Chesapeake; from that morning on,...

Clarissa Explains It All

When I was growing up, there were a lot of things that influenced the person I became. Family, friends, my teachers–and, to be honest, TV. Most of us can in some way relate to Homer Simpson’s assertion that TV is a...

Memories of Girlhood: Life Lessons from Kato

There is a stretch of road in my hometown that used to be a dense forest which is now lined with hideous townhouses. Whenever I go by there, I am transported back to being 6 years old. It was in this hundred acre wood that I discovered what it was to discover, to be...

Memories of Girlhood: Getting Ready for Christmas

Christmas is my favorite holiday. It’s more than Santa and presents and food, though: it’s about coming together to share in something that makes everyone feel good. It’s about charity and kindness, about making the world a little bit better of a...

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