Women and Mental Illness: A Brief History (Part 3)

After the First World War, society started to slowly recognise mental illness as an illness and treat it as such. The old treatments of confinement, leeches, cold baths, mercury, chains, straight-jackets, and electric shock gradually disappeared, with new approaches...

Women and Mental Illness: A Brief History – WWI (Part 2)

The First World War changed attitudes towards mental illness considerably after so many men returned from the fighting with serious psychological conditions. What came to be known as ‘shell-shock’ had a massive impact upon...

Women and Mental Illness: A Brief History (Part 1)

Olivia’s recent blog post¬†about girls with mental illness in Victorian society got me thinking. While Emilie Autumn sheds light on this dark tale in her song, it occurred to me that attitudes towards mental illness have changed many times throughout...

Music and Mental Illness: Girls in Victorian Society

“Girls! Girls! Girls!”, written and performed by American artist Emilie Autumn, immediately grabbed my attention as something unusual. It‚Äôs upbeat tempo and show-tune quality made it instantly likeable for me. But behind the happy melody...

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