The 25th August 2016 marks the 72nd anniversary of the Liberation of Paris from Nazi occupation by the joint Allied forces of the Free French, Great Britain and her colonies, and the U.S.A. Whilst this anniversary might go unmarked in most places besides Paris or...
Previously, I have written about the WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) program in America in WWII. The research for this blog post led me to researching information about the Air Transport Auxiliary (ATA), a British civilian organization that was established to...
Today as young women, we take for granted our ability to wear comfortable and stylish clothes that are both functional and fashionable. We have an array of shops to choose from when it comes to casual fashion, from Target to Topshop, women in the 21st century are...
I have always been fascinated with the role of women in WWII, particularly the small minority of women whom flew in the Air Transport Auxiliary in Great Britain. However, until very recently I had never heard of the Women Airforce Service Pilots, or WASP as they were...
Amanda Nguyen isn’t your average twenty-four year old. She graduated in 2013 with a B.A. in Astrophysics, followed by an external project examining the rights of women with disabilities. From there Amanda interned with NASA as part of their...