Celebrating Female Friendships on TV: The O.C.

Fair warning, there will be spoilers in this post, so if you have not watched the show the entire way through proceed with caution! The O.C. debuted in 2003 and showed us the lives of the wealthy inhabitants of the beautiful Orange County, California. It is told...

The Six Best Things about Elizabeth Bennett

The title of this blog should really be something like ‚ÄòSix Amazing Things about Elizabeth Bennett,’ because there are so many others I could probably add here. This post stems from a recent re-watching of the 1995 BBC adaptation of Pride and...

Celebrating Female Friendships on TV: One Tree Hill

One Tree Hill debuted in the early 2000s and while the original premise of the show centred on two brothers playing basketball, it was the female characters that initially drew me in. The great thing about the show is there was at least one character that most people...

Clarissa Explains It All

When I was growing up, there were a lot of things that influenced the person I became. Family, friends, my teachers–and, to be honest, TV. Most of us can in some way relate to Homer Simpson’s assertion that TV is a...

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