Mythological Girls: Inanna

Inanna was an early Babylonian deity representing love and war, who arose from the city of Uruk in southern Babylonia. She was also later affiliated with the northern Babylonian equivalent Ishtar. As there are differing elements and stories associated with both, it is...

Mythological Girls: Morrigu

The Morrigu, who was also known as the Morrigan, was a Celtic ‘Triple Goddess’. Her name meant a variation of either “phantom queen” or “great...

Mythological Girls: Persephone

Persephone was a Greek chthonic deity who is known for her dark history with her husband Hades. This story is told in the Homeric Hymn to Demeter. She is introduced in the poem as an adolescent, whose story does not begin until her abduction at the hands of Hades. Her...

Mythological Girls: The Valkyries

The Valkyries were a collection of women in Norse mythology who decided which soldiers lived and died in battle. They were connected with a variety of animals, including swans and horses. Known in Old Norse as the...

Mythological Girls: Amaterasu

Amaterasu was known to be the chief deity and the goddess of the sun in Japanese Shinto religion. She was said to be born following the death of her mother Izanami as her father Izanagi cleansed his face; Amaterasu was born from his left eye, her brother Tsukiyomi...

Mythological Girls: Oshun – Yoruba Goddess of Love and Sweet Waters

In so many ancient civilisations across the globe, love is in the guardianship of a particular deity; usually, although not always, this is a goddess. You might be familiar with Venus and Aphrodite, goddesses of love to the Romans and Greeks. In Western Africa, the...

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