Memories of Girlhood: Sledding in Scappoose

As the nights get darker and Thanksgiving approaches, my thoughts have been turning more and more toward my family and my childhood. As an only child, I spent a fair bit of time with my grandparents in Scappoose, Oregon during school holidays, giving my parents a much...

Memories of Girlhood: Ice Skating Sundays

Young girl ice skating. There are many moments I can draw out of the childhood memory box, but I will choose the few, though special, times at the ice skating rink. It was not a frequent pastime, rather an occasional stroll along with my father...

Memories of Girlhood: Growing Giant Pumpkins

Hillary and her brother, with some not-so-giant pumpkins grown in their garden. Photo courtesy of author. One of my favorite things about summer vacation was always gardening. Sometime in May each year we would start sprouting pumpkins seeds in the house, and I knew...

Memories of Girlhood: Point Horror Books

Image from Freeze Tag. The Babysitter. Teacher’s Pet. For a lot of people of my generation, those words may well sound familiar: they are titles from Scholastic’s Point Horror range of horror stories for...

Memories of Girlhood: Barbies

Image from 60 Years of Struggle: Barbie’s careers are timeline of women’s hits and misses Barbie: My Love-Hate Relationship with a Doll When I was little, I loved playing with Barbie dolls. My fondest memories of my sister include spending hours taking...

Memories of Girlhood: Secret Forts

Photo from Building a fort is a favorite childhood pastime. Forts come in all shapes and sizes, from living room blanket forts to backyard tree houses. As a little girl, I loved playing in forts....

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