Reflecting on the year just gone and planning for the year ahead seems a standard New Year’s task. When I started Girl Museum in 2009, I had no idea what I was doing or the enormous commitment it would be.
That isn’t true really. I have worked in nonprofits my entire life and know exactly the hard work it takes, but the part about not knowing what I was doing is true. Coming up on five years later, I can safely say I know so much more about the museum industry, virtual museums, making websites, girl studies, and girl advocacy and just a little bit about how to run a business.
It seems the more you focus on ‘growing’ financially the less mission work you get done. So I have continued to focus on our projects, so despite being almost 5, Girl Museum is still a toddler in terms of being a ‘non-profit business’. It would be wonderful if someone who believed in our mission came along and said, “Hey let’s make some magic,” but, not believing in fairy tales, we will just keep on doing what we are doing.
I am personally so humbled by the people I have met along this exciting and challenging journey. People who I have been able to work with, especially all the Junior Girls who have given their time to us, have been truly amazing. Their dedication to our ‘virtual museum’ has been incredible and above the call of duty. And I am forever grateful and indebted to them for all their hard work in making Girl Museum what it is today.
So we have one resolution for this year: to do some very cool projects. We have Illustrated Girls launching mid year and Surfer Girl towards the end of the year. Plus we have GirlSpeak, the new podcast series launching in mid-January. There will be two episodes every month (fingers crossed), so please tune in.
If we continue to do good things, something big will happen. I am certain of it.
All the best for you and your dreams and goals for 2014. Get in touch with us and perhaps we can help each other have a successful year.
-Ashley E Remer
Head Girl
Girl Museum Inc.
Keep up the good work! We are so proud of what you have accomplished in such a short time.
The work you have been doing & the commitment is truly amazing & puts most of us to shame.
If anyone deserves a big sprinkle of magic it’s you & this amazing mission, you have so many fantastic Ideas that it’s just plain criminal that financial backers have not been falling over them self’s to allow you to fully develop.
It is coming of that I am also sure……
Have a wonderful & successful 2014
Hello, Girls. Walking up on the beach today. Planning to engage with grown-up girls and a few of our big boy buddies this week in warm weather. Thinking of you and sending money in the first quarter.