Visit of Manjushri to Vimalakirti

Did you know gender equality is a principle in Buddhism? I certainly didn’t, until I stumbled across this scene, “The Visit of Manjushri to Vimalakirti,” from the Vimalakirti Sutra. Composed around 100 CE, this Mahayana Buddhist sutra is known for...

The Admonitions Scroll

We all wish that life came with an instruction book sometimes, right? Something to let us know how to act in various situations, and especially if we were going to be in the presence of royalty. Pictures for quick reference would make such a book even better! The...

Famous Courtesans: Wu Hou

Wu Hou, born as Wu Zhao, came from a minor aristocratic family in China. She became the first woman to hold the title of Emperor of China, and her extraordinary story starts with her becoming the concubine of Emperor Taizong, of the Tang dynasty. She was selected at...

Girl Soldiers: Mulan

Mulan is a Disney movie which was released in 1998 and tells the story of Fa Mulan – a woman who impersonates her father in order to take his place when a general conscription is brought in by the Han Dynasty to battle against the Hun invasion....

What Fast Fashion is Costing Girls in India

I recently watched The True Cost of Fast Fashion, a powerful documentary about the production of cheap fashion clothes and the exploitation of workers in countries such as India, Bangladesh, China and Thailand. Such countries offer little-to-no workers unions, few...

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