Wang Mu Niang Niang, Queen Mother of the West, is the Chinese Tao goddess of life, fertility and immortality. Originally presented with the teeth of a tiger and as a goddess who brought plague and natural disaster she later reformed and for centuries has been known as...
Sarah Ostrach was a Junior Girl in Girl Museum’s¬†Education department before she began teaching English in Beijing. With Sarah’s permission, we’re reposting a recent blog post she wrote about her experience in China....
Chien Shiung Wu was born in 1912 in Liu Ho, China. She began her education at her parents’ school, but then was sent to boarding school in Suzhou in 1922. She graduated at the top of her class in 1930 and went on to study at the National Central University of...
In 960 C.E., a girl named Lin Moniang was born on Meizhou Island in China. She was the seventh daughter of a fisherman, said by locals to have extraordinary capabilities. As the years went on, it became clear that Moniang could predict disasters and events with...
大家好! Hello everyone! I am writing from a university in Beijing, where I am teaching spoken English and art appreciation. So far, it is my experience that a Chinese classroom is quieter than an American...