Why I Game: Danielle

I’ve been gaming for 25 years. I game to get away, to relax after work and make new friends. Some of my best friends are people I met while paying video games. One of those became my roommate so I could move to a larger city and get a better job. If I...

Gamer Girl Spotlight: Interview with Castpixel

For our Gamer Girl exhibit, I had the pleasure of interviewing Christina Antoinette Neofotistou, a.k.a. @castpixel. Christina is a pixel-artist and game developer who loves pixelart and animation. She develops games for Ludum Dare and has been a hardcore gamer since...

Why I Game: Katherine Ullman

The answer to why I game is a somewhat complicated one. I started gaming back in the early 90s, mostly on MUDs, back in the wee dawn of the internet. This allowed me a kind of wall between reality and myself that allowed me to connect to other people on my own terms,...

Why I Game: Tristan Derringher

  I game for the same reason many people (including myself) love getting into a good book: the immersion into a new world, an interesting character, an inspiring backstory, a crazy twist; It’s not only a chance to imagine the surreal but to become an active...

Why I Game: Lexi Attiani

I game because it relaxes me but also inspires me. I was a costume design student before I had to leave school for health and finance reasons and for me, gaming and by extension cosplay help me to continue to practice doing what I love and keep sharp. Gaming also is a...

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