30 September 2019: Misogyny and the Environment

In August 2018, outside the Swedish parliament building, Greta Thunberg started a school strike for the climate. Photo: Anders Hellberg, August 31, 2018. Greta Thunberg is everywhere lately. Which, frankly, is impressive for someone who refuses to fly because of the...

Letter From the Editor LVII

Dear Reader, I must say that this month was so tremendously overwhelming with terrible news, that it was not only hard to get through, but I felt a little hopeless. But as always, there were plenty of wonderful, heartwarming, and inspirational stories as well. These...

Letter from the Editor LIV

Dear Reader, Though June is Gay Pride Month, there are many other things to be proud of in this issue. Kenya has (slightly) changed their abortion laws. A Kiwi girl is actively fighting for her environment. A school girl in Chicago took on her local school board to...

Letter from the Editor L

This is our 50th edition of Girl News International. We have been compiling stories that are less likely to get promoted and shared on social media because they are about girls. Unless they are about girls in danger, then they have a higher value to the algorithm....

15 March 2019: Rise Up!

Say what you will about the current occupant of the White House, but he has been inspirational. While some have been inspired to attempt to follow in his footsteps–Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz is just the latest politically unqualified person to float the idea...

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