The Cost of Sanitary Protection in India

Arunachalam Muruganantham (centre) and the machine he invented to make sanitary towels. Photograph: Jayaashree Industries Once every two months or so I find myself standing in the pharmacy glaring resentfully at the huge array of sanitary products available and...

Sex changes for babies

Hindustan Times, 26 June, 2011 We’ve previous written on India’s missing girls, but going a step beyond¬†female foeticide, some families are...

The Cost of Empowerment? As little as $25

The cost of empowerment? As little as $25. Twenty years ago, Amir Unisha Bergum was windowed, leaving her and her three children struggling to survive in a slum in Hyderabad, India. Eventually, however, Unisha discovered Mahila Sanatkar Mutually Aided Cooperative...

Suffrage and Women’s Politics in India Women in India have been given the right to vote by the Constitution of India from the moment it came into being since January 26, 1949. It is indeed a matter of great...

India‚ early 18th century

The yo-yo is an ancient toy. The earliest known yo-yo was made of terra cotta and dates to around 500BCE.

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