Will the Olympics give lesser known sports time to shine?

Natasha Jonas, one of Team GB’s elite female boxing squad. Photograph: Tom Jenkins http://www.guardian.co.uk/sport/2012/may/16/london-2012-natasha-jonas-olympics This summer, the Olympic Games are coming to the UK and I am one of those definitely...

GlobalGirl Media – A New Style of Reporting

A Global Girl reporter believes in the power of her voice to change the world! Appalled by the lack of dialogue, critical awareness or accurate representation of women and girls in new media, a group of female filmmakers, broadcasters and journalists collaborated to...

The Cost of Empowerment? As little as $25

The cost of empowerment? As little as $25. Twenty years ago, Amir Unisha Bergum was windowed, leaving her and her three children struggling to survive in a slum in Hyderabad, India. Eventually, however, Unisha discovered Mahila Sanatkar Mutually Aided Cooperative...

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