Memories of Girlhood: Point Horror Books

Image from Freeze Tag. The Babysitter. Teacher’s Pet. For a lot of people of my generation, those words may well sound familiar: they are titles from Scholastic’s Point Horror range of horror stories for...

We Want Equality…Now! On June 28th, Ed Miliband, the Leader of the Labour Party in the UK, made a speech to the Women in Advertising and Communications group in London. In it, he urged politicians,...

Margaret Thatcher: Loved and Loathed

Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan. Courtesy of Ronald Reagan Library. On April 8th 2013, Baroness Margaret Thatcher, the first woman Prime Minister of the UK and the longest serving prime minister for around 150 years, died from a stroke at the Ritz Hotel in London....

Memories of Girlhood: Camping in Scotland

Junior Girl Sarah and her dad (and the top of her sister’s head) on holiday in Scotland in the early 90s. When I was a girl, many of my friends went on holidays abroad whilst my family stayed in the UK. I can’t remember being specifically jealous that they...

So you want to be an Archaeologist

Young girl digging Photo: Darrell J. Rohl Do you love history? And camping? Then archaeology could be the career for you! Archaeology is the study of human history (and prehistory) through the excavation of sites and examination of artifacts. Without...

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