We are pleased to announce an open call for writers and visual artists to contribute to a new exhibition— Girlhood Is a Spectrum.
We invite you to speak on the girlhood flux in the language of poetry, prose, or images. Many of you may have seen the memes with this text that celebrate the versatility of girlhood, from ethereality to creepiness, from fawn-like to Kafkaesque. What are the poles of this spectrum for you and what lies in-between? It is up to you how to interpret the theme.
No two girlhoods are the same–so your voice matters!
Submission Guidelines
For text entries: We welcome texts of different genres, such as poems (including poetic cycles), short stories, flash fiction, essays, or whatever your genre definition will be.
Formats accepted: Word or text files.
Maximum word count: 750.
For visual entries: We welcome digital creative images, such as drawings, paintings, illustrations, and collages. We do not accept photography or videos. Please make sure that you submit works in high resolution.
Formats accepted: jpg, jpeg, png.
Maximum file size: 2.5MB
If your entry contains both text and images (if it is a comic, for example), please submit it as a visual entry.
You can submit both a textual and a visual entry, but only one per category.
Each submission must be original, unpublished, and created without the use of AI.
Text submissions can be in your native language, but an English translation must also be provided.
You must be 18 years old to enter.
The deadline for submission is midnight EST 24 November 2023.
Click here for more details and to submit.