Unplugging from Social Media

Social media is a contentious issue at times. Facebook, Twitter, and all the rest can be harnessed to bring attention to events or topics that might go unnoticed in other ways. The #BringBackOurGirls movement, for example, forced the international media to...

The Backlash against Beard

Mary Beard responds to the backlash. Photograph: Eamonn McCabe http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2013/jan/21/mary-beard-suffers-twitter-abuse?CMP=twt_fd&buffer_share=47ad6&utm_source=buffer Women in the public eye seem to have a very bad deal. They are judged on...

Who let the trolls out of the dungeon?

British weightlifter Zoe Smith Teenage Olympic weightlifter Zoe Smith vs. her Internet haters I love the Internet. I love how it allows people from across the world to communicate and the way it can provide instant news. The Internet represents a triumph for freedom...

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