*SPOILERS THROUGHOUT* I finished watching (read: binge watching) Santa Clarita Diet this weekend, and had to write about the unsung hero, Abby Hammond. The new Netflix-original series tells the story of Sheila and Joel Hammond, married realtors raising their teenage...
A few things stand out clearly when I remember my senior year of high school: late nights, car-ride karaoke, Taco Bell runs, and my lunchtime ritual of watching Home Star Runner Flash-animated Internet cartoons. Home Star Runner was one of the original Internet video...
Sarah Ostrach was a Junior Girl in Girl Museum’s¬†Education department before she began teaching English in Beijing. With Sarah’s permission, we’re reposting a recent blog post she wrote about her experience in China....
When I was growing up, there were a lot of things that influenced the person I became. Family, friends, my teachers–and, to be honest, TV. Most of us can in some way relate to Homer Simpson’s assertion that TV is a...
Dr. Alexandra F. Corning is a Research Associate Professor at the University of Notre Dame, where she researches eating disorders and body image problems. Specifically, her research focuses on adolescent girls and preventing the development of...